Areas of Practice - this is what we do.
Public Path Diversions
We advise on the prospects of success in diverting footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways. We liaise with order making authorities, prepare plans and applications, respond to consultations, advise on the content of orders and deal with the process through to confirmation of the order. Where a diversion attracts an objection we will deal with this when the order is submitted to an Inspector to determine.
Path Extinguishments
Whilst we always advise that extinguishments are rare and very difficult to achieve, we have secured these in the past and will always be ready to discuss the prospects of success with landowners.
Path Claims (Modification Orders)
We advise landowners on defending claims to add footpaths, byways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic over their land. We will review the evidence supporting the claim, advise on additional evidential sources and undertake research. We make representations to councils, and appear at committees when decisions are taken on a claim. If an order is made, we will make an objection and deal with the determination of the order by the planning inspectorate. And of course if we consider that the claim is likely to be successful we will identify this as soon as we can and look at the opportunities to ameliorate its impact.
We have considerable experience representing clients before inquiries, hearings, and council committees dealing with public rights of way issues.
Enforcement, Stock Control and Structures
We advise on enforcement actions by councils, on the rights to erect structures like gates and can undertake the process to obtain formal consent for structures where these are available.
Common Land and Village Green claims, highway related issues and any queries regarding the management of the public right of way network.